Bridge for kora instrument
You can order a new bridge for your kora here. If your bridge is broken, if it is having irregular distances between strings, if the kora bridge is too small or too big for your hand… or if you are feeling that your hands are too far or too near to the strings in relation with the handles of the kora that also can be adjusted arranging a new bridge.
You will be having a video tutorial on how to mount again the new bridge on your kora and anytime you can contact me to solve issues.
Contact me to tell me your needs and questions about it and we will surely find the best result.

Kora Bridge
Batoo model
70 EUR + shipping cost
Features, options and contact
Weight : 0,65 Kg. aprox.
Measures (x,y,z) : Depend on your needs.
Features : Precise configuration, quality wood.
To buy or query use contact email, thank you…
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If you clicked “Contact email” blue button above and nothing happened then you can contact me manually writing my email address in your email manager:

KORA manding harps
Koras maker (West African Harps) · Contact :